How To Reduce Sweating

Sweating or perspiring, is your bodys natural response when it becomes over heated through physical exertion, illness, exposure to heat or stress. Sweating in itself is generally a healthy and normal response, but there are times when sweating is excessive, bothersome, or embarrassing. How to reduce sweating is actually easy, follow the directions below and you can mange to stay drier!

Daily routine

What you wear is very important when you are trying to reduce sweating. Generally you want to avoid tight fitting clothing. Wearing loose clothing that allows for air flow which will keep you and your clothing dry. Wear natural fiber fabrics which tend to breathe better and absorb moisture. Light colored clothing absorbs less light than darker, less heat retained means less sweating. Try to avoid places that have little or no air flow. The more air flow the less sweating and the air flow also helps to dry any moisture that does get emitted from your body. Showering will cool your body, you want to use the coolest water possible, without it being cold. Showering also helps to keep the skin clean minimizing the odor associated with sweating. Use an antibacterial soap or body wash to keep the germs on skin to a minimum, the bacteria is what causes the odor associated with sweating. On very hot days, several short showers are recommended.


Different from deodorant which covers the scent associated with sweating, antiperspirant actually has ingredients that diminishes the body ability to sweat. Some products are actually combinations of the two and work well to control the amount of sweating and help mask the scent of the sweat that does occur. There are both commercial products and prescription onesif excessive sweating continues to be bothersome, it is recommended that you visit with your physician to rule out physical causes that could indicate a more serious condition.

Water and foods

Drinking plenty of fluids, especially plain water will help your body to stay hydrated and regulate itself in regards to temperature. You should avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol. There are foods that help to reduce the bodys need to sweat by affecting it the same way water does. Foods to increase are: vegetables, especially leafy green ones, fruitsespecially those with a high water content like melons, alfalfa and foods that contain high amounts of chlorophyll. Certain foods actually increase the bodys need to sweat, these should be avoided, they are: Curry, spicy foods, onions, garlic, red meats and any other food that has an overly strong taste or smell (the smells can be emitted through the pores).

Avoiding situations that produce more sweat such as excessive exercise or stressful situations. When feeling stressed practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to help calm the body. Avoiding direct sunlight by finding shade or wearing a hat will also help. Try to be active or outside when the sun is not at its peak, such as early morning or late afternoon and evenings. Keeping a hand held personal fan can also reduce the need to sweat. With a few lifestyle changes most sweating can be reduced easily. Again, if sweating continues or is bothersome, consult your physician. Hope you enjoy how to reduce sweating article here.